“It was Christmas Eve last year……..” – Rent
Last night, I was driving out to dinner with some friends. On the way there, I tell my wife that my blog turns 1 tomorrow. Her response was a very muted “okay.”
I tell her, you were supposed to say “congratulations.” She then said, “okay, congratulations.”
I further explored her muted reaction. She didn’t understand that when I started this blog last year, I had no idea where it would take me. I didn’t know how long it would last, how much I would write, and who if anyone would read this darned thing. Here’s a link to my first post.
Truthfully, most blawgs and blogs die on the vine because blogs are work. I’m always in search of new topics and the time to write something about them.
I’m very proud of this site and what it has become. In its first full month of existence, it got a grand total of 77 hits – all from an email that I sent out to my friends. In November alone, this blog had 2879 unique visitors to this site.
I’ve changed the theme and added many new features to the blog. I will continue to improve the technical aspects of this site in 2009.
I have some new ideas for 2009 as to where I want to take this blog. In the coming weeks, I will roll out an idea that I will advocate for that I think can bring a positive change to the practice of law in Connecticut.
My New Years resolution is to increase the amount of dialogue on this site and solicit debate from both lawyers and non-lawyers on legal issues in Connecticut.

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I’d like to thank my firm for sponsoring and supporting me in this venture; my parents for informing me of errors in posts; my wife Allison; Dan Schwartz and Gideon for their support and advice on this site and for fostering a community of blawgers in Connecticut; those who have guest blawged on this site; and most of all, you my readers.
I wish you a very happy holiday season.