Between my annual battle with leaves, late nights watching the Red Sox, and early morning hearings, I’ve fallen a bit behind in my blogging.
Right now there’s no more late nights watching the Red Sox. In a few weeks, I’ll be dealing with snow instead of leaves and I’ll always have to deal with court hearings.
There are some great law blogs in Connecticut. I enjoy reading the work of my fellow bloggers because I learn from them not only about the law but about blogging.
Anyway, here’s some of what I’ve been reading over the past few days:
Daniel Schwartz of Connecticut Employment Law Blog has a great post about how inappropriate conduct on social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook and blogs can result in discipline and even termination at work.
Gideon at a public defender wonders just how long same-sex marriage in Connecticut will last. Perhaps having read Daniel Schwartz’s post, Gideon is careful to note that his posts are his views only and not the views of his employer.
Matt Curtiss discusses how angels (not the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim kind) can help you after your death.
Sergei Lemberg at Lemon Justice shows me where I can find car safety statistics online.
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Call for a Free Consultation 860-471-8333Angel fans (the Los Angeles of Anaheim kind) at Halos Heaven call me a jerk. Scroll about 5/8ths of the way down the page and look for a pink quote box from someone who goes by the name of Lady Bug to see why.
I got my first ever blog review. Check out Megan Hates Mr. Miller. Evidently, Mr. Miller is an English teacher who likes baseball and law and Megan is his student. It’s great that the class is reading and keeping blogs. Thank you Mr. Miller and kudos to Megan on her blog.
World Series prediction (for entertainment purposes only): Rays in 4. Go Rays. They are a great team and fun to watch when they are not playing the Red Sox.