I’m happy to announce that A Connecticut Law Blog is launching a CT Legal Events page. I’m sure I won’t get them all but if you are reading this and are hosting an event drop me an email at rmckeen@lttnlaw.net . I’ll be happy to add your event to the page. You’ll notice a new tab on the top of this page titled: CT Legal Events.
Everywhere I go I hear about the train. The TRAIN! A light rail service that would connect Hartford with its suburbs and ultimately the rest of the world.
All of this talk about a train reminds me of a town called Springfield and a monorail plan.
The monorail didn’t work out too well for Springfield. Will light rail work for Hartford? I hope so.
For those interested in rail issues be sure to check out The 16th Annual Gallivan Conference at UCONN School of Law.
The Conference is Friday, February 20th from 12:00 to 2:15 p.m. at William Starr Hall in Hartford.
The Conference features Tom Condon from the Hartford, Courant; UConn Law Professor Sara Bronin; Norman Garrick, Director, Center for Transportation and Urban Planning; and Albert, Martin, Deputy Commissioner CT Dept. of Transportation.
The event is FREE and open to all.
Click here for registration information.
Attend and make sure that Hartford avoids Springfield’s problems.