One of the main differences between sexual abuse of an adult and a child concerns the statute of limitations. If an adult is sexually abused, the claim has to be brought within three years. However, a person who was abused as a minor has up to age 48 to bring a claim.
A compassionate Glastonbury child sexual abuse lawyer could help you file a claim and recover damages if you or a loved one have been abused by another party. Call today and schedule a consultation with an experienced sexual abuse attorney.
What Behavior Constitutes Child Abuse?
Child abuse can involve several different aspects, including:
- Physical
- Sexual
- Emotional
Under Connecticut law, physical abuse is if a child has been inflicted with injuries other than by accident, or as a result of maltreatment such as malnutrition or deprivation of necessities. Sexual abuse is any incident involving children, non-accidental exposure to sexual behavior such as rape, penetration, indecent exposure, incest, and fondling. Emotional abuse can be statements or threats likely to have an adverse impact on the child or that interfere with the child’s positive emotional development. Call a child sexual abuse lawyer in Glastonbury for more information about what constitutes as abuse under Connecticut law.

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Reporting Child Sexual Abuse
When an instance of child sex abuse is reported to the authorities, a child advocate, principal, or whomever, they have an obligation first to take action to protect the child, which would be to remove them from the situation. Also, they should remove the adult from their position of authority or power, and try to determine what happened through interviews and taking statements.
If there is probable cause that someone sexually abused the child, the immediate criminal consequence would be an arrest and then the accused will face bail. They will also likely face protective or restraining orders.
How a Criminal Case Can Impact a Civil Case
If someone is criminally convicted of sexual abuse or there is a guilty plea, it is likely to be admissible in a civil case. That means the plaintiff will not have to go back and re-prove the case and the underlying sexual conduct. Therefore, a Glastonbury child sexual abuse attorney can use this information as evidence at a trial.

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Statutory Rape
A person commits statutory rape when they engage in sexual activity with a minor who is at least three years younger if that person is at least age 16, or under age 13 if the actor is more than two years older. There also are cases in which an older person has a position of power or influence over a person under 18. Their sex act can be considered statutory rape. An example of someone in position of power could be a coach, probation officer, therapist, employer, someone who works at a school in the district, or is the person’s guardian.

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How a Glastonbury Child Sexual Abuse Attorney Could Help
Someone who has knowledge of a child being sexually abused should contact a lawyer so they can immediately start conducting an independent investigation on their own, aside from what the police and other authorities may be doing. Also, there could be very specific limited-notice provisions required to be made within a certain period so the attorney could protect their rights, preserve any possible claim, and take care of any possible evidence.
If you or a loved one has suffered abuse, contact a Glastonbury child sexual abuse lawyer who could help you seek justice.