Paralysis occurs when someone loses some or all of their ability to move a part of their body. These injuries commonly result from severe accidents, such as car crashes, workplace accidents, or incidents that happen during high-contact sports. No matter the cause, there are some common fact patterns in Manchester paralysis cases that a skilled paralysis attorney could use to help build a claim for damages and ease the burden on someone suffering from this condition.
What Should Someone Do After a Paralyzing Injury?
The first step a person should take after sustaining a paralyzing injury is to seek medical attention. Injured parties should not give any statements to anybody representing insurance companies or investigators. They should reach out (through a family member, if necessary) to lawyer who could advise them of their options.
In Manchester, a person would most likely go to Hartford Hospital to treat their paralysis. Afterward, they may attend one of the dedicated rehabilitation facilities nearby: the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain or Gaylord Rehabilitation in Wallingford.
Once an injured party retains a lawyer, the claimant and their family should ask questions that help them set their expectations. It is also important for claimants to inform their lawyer on how and where they are receiving treatment and continue to provide any updates on their condition.

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How Does Someone Demonstrate That Paralysis is Incurable?
There is commonly a point in the recovery process where an injured person has reached a plateau and will probably see no further medical improvement. Once an injured party reaches this point, they should collect statements from doctors and experts asserting that no further recovery is likely. Still, the medical community is constantly improving their physical and occupational therapy with locomotor training, functional electrical stimulation, and more to improve the lives of people with paralysis.
Medical Conditions That Commonly Cause Paralysis
Paralysis is not always the result of external trauma. Certain medical conditions can cause paralysis. These include strokes, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, Botulism, and multiple sclerosis. Immobilization also may occur because of poor medical advice, improper treatment, and misdiagnosis.
If a doctor fails to treat their patient’s injuries properly, or identify a certain condition in a timely manner, they could be legally negligent. However, if the patient chose not to treat a condition that eventually led to paralysis, then the medical professional would not be held liable as long as they informed the patient of the potential problem.

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How a Manchester Attorney Collects Evidence
Evidence that is commonly used in paralysis cases may include witness statements, photos or video, radiographic imaging, medical records, reports from treating physicians, and testimony of medical experts. An experienced lawyer could methodically gather all pertinent evidence regarding the injuries, find out the extent of the disability, and retrieve medical records from every place that the claimant received treatment. These records are reviewed by experts who then make a professional determination as to the injured person’s disabilities presently and into the future.
Evidence, such as medical records and radiographic imaging, is used to establish the extent of the person’s injuries. Evidence can establish causation, which in turn can establish liability. If it is determined that there is truly no liability or negligence attached to an accident, then there would be no recovery available under the law. A local attorney could help determine if anyone was potentially liable for an accident by reviewing the evidence.
When the Injured Party is Partially Liable
Liability is sometimes placed on the injured person under the contributory negligence rule. If they were contributorily negligent, then the court may reduce their recovery by their percentage of fault. For example, if a claimant is found to be 20% at fault, they would only receive 80% of their total damages. Because this happens often, person should inform their attorney of their full contribution to the accident so they can navigate the case properly.

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Adjusting to Life with Paralysis
There are two main types of paralysis: paraplegia, which is immobilization in the legs, and quadriplegia, which is loss of function from the neck down. Individuals who sustain paralysis due to an accident can find it difficult to adjust to their new life. Physical therapists, treating physicians, occupational therapists, and supportive family members can all play a role in helping someone adjust to the new changes in their life.
One difficulty that people commonly run into is the need to acquire new life insurance. Insurance companies may refrain from issuing long-term life insurance plans to paralyzed individuals. If they do issue a policy, there will likely be high premiums.
Contact a Manchester Attorney to Learn About Common Fact Patterns in Paralysis Injury Cases
While suffering from an immobilizing condition can be unique and challenging for everyone, there are some common fact patterns of paralysis injury cases in Manchester that a compassionate attorney could explain. By retaining a legal professional who has dealt with these cases before, you could have someone on your side who knows how to fight for fair damages and get your life back on track. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation.