After a car accident, there are several steps you should take to protect your rights. You can start taking action immediately at the scene of the accident and continue taking steps to protect yourself over the following days and weeks. An experienced car accident lawyer can advise you of your rights and help you make the best choices throughout the process.
At Claggett, Sykes & Garza, we understand the challenges you face. We will help you navigate this challenging period to ensure you recover the money you need and deserve. Reach out to us today by phone or through our website to set up a free initial case evaluation with one of our experienced Glastonbury car accident lawyers.
Watch What You Say at the Scene of a Car Accident
Following a car accident, you need to be careful about what you say at the crash scene. You never know how your words are going to be interpreted, and even a comment that seems innocent can cause you trouble. One thing you should never do is apologize to anyone else involved in the crash.
Even if you know that you are completely faultless for the crash and are merely empathizing with someone who was injured in the crash, saying you are sorry can be interpreted as an admission of guilt and make recovering compensation a challenge.
While you will need to speak with the other involved parties to exchange insurance information and contact deals, you should not engage with them beyond this.

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Gather Evidence at the Scene of Your Car Accident
Any evidence you are able to secure at the scene of your accident can help with your compensation claim. Take photographs of everything and record the contact details of any potential eyewitnesses. The more evidence you are able to accumulate, the easier it will be for your attorney to build a solid case on your behalf and protect your rights.
Seek Medical Attention
You should always seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you believe you are unharmed. Some injuries are not immediately evident after a crash, and if you wait days or weeks to see a doctor, it can raise questions about whether your injuries were truly caused by the crash or if they were the result of an unrelated incident.
Immediately after a crash, you should get checked over by paramedics at the accident scene. Even if they say you are fine, you should still follow up with a doctor at a hospital for a more thorough examination. Medical records from the day of your accident can greatly help in a car accident trial.

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Stay Off Social Media Until the Conclusion of Your Case
One of the biggest things that derail compensation claims these days is social media. Following a crash, the liable party’s insurance investigator and lawyer will thoroughly comb through all your social media accounts and continue to monitor them until the conclusion of your case.
Because you can never know for sure how one of your posts will be interpreted, refraining from using any of these apps until you have reached a car accident settlement is your best choice. While you should also set your accounts to private, this is only a half measure. Even the things you post on a private account may end up being used in your case.
Because of this, staying off social media altogether is your best option. You should also request that your friends and family refrain from making any posts related to your situation. By staying off your social media accounts, you will greatly improve your odds of recovering the damages you need and deserve from the liable party.

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Be Careful When Speaking With Insurance Adjusters Following a Crash
Dealing with representatives from the liable party’s insurer after a crash is one of the areas in which accident victims most often hurt their compensation claims. Despite the fact that these companies like to pretend they are friendly neighbors willing to lend a helping hand, the truth is that insurers will go to great lengths to deny or devalue valid claims.
Insurance companies teach claims adjusters a variety of tricks to use against claimants to minimize the amount of money they have to pay. Unless you are familiar with their practices, protecting yourself can prove challenging. The best thing you can do is to decline to speak with anyone from the insurance company until you have secured legal representation.
After hiring a lawyer, the insurance company will be barred from contacting you directly. By making them go through your attorney, you will prevent them from using their usual tactics. By taking this step, you will force them to approach your case fairly and significantly improve your odds of recovering the money you need and deserve.
Get Help from an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today
Of all the steps you can take to protect your rights after a car accident, the single best thing you can do is hire an experienced car accident lawyer to help with your case. Your attorney will do everything they can to protect you and ensure you recover favorable compensation from the liable party. At Claggett, Sykes & Garza, we are ready and waiting to help.
We understand the challenges you are up against and are never afraid to take a case to court to ensure a win for our clients. Contact us today by using our online chat tool, completing our contact form, or giving us a call. We will review your case, advise you of your legal rights, and answer any questions you may have.