A product liability case is a type of civil action in which the plaintiff was injured by a dangerous or faulty product. The United States is the largest consumer economy in the world, so there are accordingly strict laws about how products can be marketed and how safe they must be. When a product fail to adhere to these standards, injured consumers may be able to seek compensation for the harm they experienced due to that faulty product.
If you experience an injury from a faulty, incorrectly designed, or dangerous product, contact a Manchester product liability lawyer as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances of your case, the manufacturer, designer, or seller of the product may be legally liable for your injury, and a skilled personal injury attorney could help collect and preserve the evidence necessary to secure a positive result in your case. En Español.
Damages Eligible for Compensation
There are two primary kinds of damages for which a victim can seek compensation in a product liability case with the help of a seasoned Manchester attorney. The first category, economic damages, includes all the harms that directly affect the injured person’s finances. Examples of this kind of damage include lost wages as a result of being injured and out of work, medical expenses, and the cost of replacing or repairing any damaged property.
On the other hand, some harms are not directly tied to finances but are still worthy of compensation. These are called non-economic damages and include losses like pain and suffering, inability to engage in a beloved hobby as a result of the injury, loss of consortium with family, and potentially the psychological impact of becoming permanently disfigured.
Though rare, the court may also elect to impose punitive damages on the at-fault party as a way of punishing them for extremely reckless or willfully harmful behavior. In product liability cases, Connecticut General Statutes §52-240b states that punitive damages cannot total more than twice the sum of the economic and non-economic damages awarded to the injured person.

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Statute of Limitations in Product Liability Cases
The statute of limitations for product liability claims is three years. Under CGS §52-577a, an injured person must bring their claim to the courts within three years of the date of their injury or the date on which they discovered their injury.
In some situations, victims may be able to sue manufacturers and/or designers of faulty products if the product left the possession of those defendants within ten years of the injury. The law is complex, but experienced product liability attorneys in Manchester may be able to shed light on the relevant issues for injured consumers and help them understand the deadlines and processes that apply to their case.
Talk to a Manchester Product Liability Attorney Today
Filing a personal injury claim can seem daunting, especially when it requires you to go up against a large store or product manufacturer. An experienced Manchester product liability lawyer could partner with an expert witness to testify regarding fair valuations for your damages, collect evidence of medical bills and lost wages, and argue on your behalf in court.
By having a skilled attorney on your side, you could more effectively work to get your life and that of your family back on track. Call today for a consultation.