On-the-job injuries can lead to expensive medical bills and cause you to miss time from work. Filing a workers’ compensation claim to recover the money you need can be critical to getting through this challenging time. Find out more about what an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Hartford can do to help you through the claims process.
At Claggett, Sykes & Garza, we have been helping injured workers recover the money they need for years. Our experienced team of Hartford personal injury lawyers will use every resource at our disposal to ensure a favorable outcome for your case. Reach out to us today to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation with a member of our legal staff.
How Workers’ Compensation Insurance Works
The majority of Hartford employers are legally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance protects both workers and employers in the event of a workplace accident.
The benefit of this insurance for workers is that it is a relatively simple process for securing compensation following an on-the-job injury. Workers can collect money from workers’ comp far more quickly than would be possible through a personal injury lawsuit.
Employers benefit from this insurance because it protects them against lawsuits filed by injured workers. For large companies operating in dangerous industries, the absence of this insurance would mean they would face a never-ending wave of litigation. Meanwhile, a small company could be bankrupted by a single workplace injury.

Injured in an Accident?
Get the Compensation You Deserve. Our Experienced Lawyers Can Help.
Options for Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit Instead of a Workers’ Compensation Claim
When attempting to recover money through a workers’ compensation claim, injured workers will be limited in the compensatory damages they can pursue. In most cases, the only compensation available will be money to cover medical expenses and time missed from work as a result of your injury.
Because of the limits on available damages, injured workers often wonder if they can file a personal injury lawsuit instead of a workers’ comp claim. When filing a personal injury lawsuit, you will likely be able to pursue a wider range of economic damages as well as a variety of non-economic damages like mental anguish and emotional distress.
Although, in most cases, the only option for pursuing compensation following a workplace injury is to file a workers’ compensation claim, certain exceptions allow you to file a personal injury lawsuit instead.
Injuries Where a Third Party Was to Blame
One of these exceptions is if your injuries were caused by a third party. For example, if you were on the job and were hit by a car, you can file a car accident lawsuit against the driver to recover the money you deserve.
Likewise, an injury caused by a defective product can permit you to file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the tool to get the money you need.
Injuries Caused by Intentional Harm or Negligence
You may qualify to file a lawsuit against your employer if your injury was the result of intentional harm or negligence. If your employer took deliberate action to inflict harm, you can file a lawsuit to recover damages. For example, if your boss hits you, you have the right to take legal action to recover the money you deserve.
Alternatively, if your injuries were the result of negligence, you can file a lawsuit against your employer. While you may work in a dangerous industry with some unavoidable hazards, your employer is still required to minimize your risk of injury. If they failed to take reasonable action to eliminate a hazard, you have the right to pursue damages through a personal injury lawsuit.
If you lost a loved one in a workplace accident, you may have grounds for filing a wrongful death lawsuit. An experienced Hartford wrongful death lawyer can help assess your legal options.
Secure the Services of an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Hartford Shortly After Your Accident
The sooner you hire a lawyer after suffering an on-the-job injury, the better. Taking action as soon as possible can be essential for your chances of recovering damages for multiple reasons.
Meeting the Filing Deadlines
Whether filing a workers’ comp claim or attempting to recover damages by filing a personal injury lawsuit, you need to pay attention to all applicable deadlines in your case.
In Connecticut, you must inform your employer of your workplace injury or illness immediately. If you suffered a workplace injury, you have one year to file a workers’ compensation claim or three years if you are filing a claim for an occupational disease or illness.
When filing a personal injury lawsuit, the personal injury statute of limitations in Connecticut gives victims two years to file a lawsuit in the majority of cases. Should you fail to meet the filing deadline, you will likely be out of options for recovering compensation.
Building a Strong Case
Another reason to hire a Hartford workers’ compensation attorney early is that doing so will allow them to build the strongest possible case to support your claim. Any delays can lead to critical evidence being lost or corrupted. Additionally, any witness testimony you plan to use in support of your case will be more reliable closer to the date of the accident.

Suffered a Personal Injury?
Let Us Fight for Your Rights and Maximize Your Compensation.
Reach Out to an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Hartford Today
After getting injured while on the job, securing damages through a workers’ comp claim or a personal injury lawsuit can be essential for getting back on your feet. The best way to improve your odds of a favorable outcome is by hiring an experienced workers’ comp attorney in Hartford.
At Claggett, Sykes & Garza, we are always prepared to take any case to trial to ensure our clients get the money they deserve. Contact us by filling out our online contact form, giving us a call, or using our chat tool today to schedule a free initial case review.